When my dad died 7 months ago i didn't really allow myself to grieve properly and i just got back to work and going out with my friends, and drinking alot. now i look back and can't believe how much time has passed. I feel like i want to stop everything so that i don't get any further away from when it happened. I want to be able to break down and take some time to deal with this but i feel like i should have done it 7 months ago, and now the world around has moved on and it's like im not allowed to now. My family, although laid back, are also very practical, especially my mum (who doesn't live with us) . Sometimes i feel like i want to act out and smash a plate or something but it feels like she will tell me off, which is ridiculous. But i don't really blame her because she doesn't know how to act as her parents are still alive and she just doesn't know what to say to help us. I just really wish my dad was here because he would crack a joke and make everything ok again
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