Peggy Jeanine Woody
  • Female
  • Benton, IL
  • United States
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Peggy Jeanine Woody's Discussions

After the loss of your adult child, do you have concern of losing other children?
1 Reply

After the loss of my 41 year old son to a massive coronary, I have encountered a concern of one or both of my other children passing also.  My daughter has recently begun to have problems with her…Continue

Tags: Denae, Shaelyn, and, Shawn., Stacie

Started this discussion. Last reply by anne May 2, 2011.

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am a 60 year old wife and mother of 2 grown children and an angel in heaven. I am a Christian who has not been going to church on a regular basis, but desire to return and be a vessel for God's work.
About my Loss:
I had a son who had a terrible car accident 18 years ago. He lost both feet and a finger at the scene of the crash. We didn't know if he would survive but he did. He never learned to use his prosthetics. He ended up with an above the left knee amputation and a below the right knee amputation. The feet were gone at the scene. He has dealt with enormous phantom pain for all these yeaars and was on medication for it. Dr.s told me his pain was like a memory of the point of impact. On April 30, 2010 my daughter went by to pick him up to take him and grandpa out to eat. When they got to his appartment, they saw the door was not locked. They pushed the door open and saw him on the floor, but thought he was asleep. They soon realized he had passed away. They called 911 and then Stacie called me to tell me. She is also the one who found out about his accident and came to get me. I could not believe he was gone. I had spent some extra time with him that week and was grateful. The monday before my younger son called me and had received a text that was unusual and wanted to send police to check on him. I told him I had a key and would check on him. He was fine. just tired and went to bed. I notified my younger son and we all rested easy after that. When I got to his appartment, a police woman came out and told me that I should not go in, that as one mother to another she didn't feel it was good for me to see him. Since that time I cannot get control of my emotions. I would not have him to come back to the pain he was in, but I have a hole the size of Texas in my heart and the pain is horrendous. I don't know how to gain control and need some help. Thank you for taking time to read this.
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Peggy Jeanine Woody's Blog

A little 8 yr. old boy went home to be with Jesus today.

A little boy passed away today. His name was Cody, and he was innocent. He had a Liver disease that was inherited genetically. It was called Allegilles Syndrome. He has lived his whole life as a sick little boy, always jaundiced. My youngest son was involved with his mother, and came to love that little boy more than he thought possible. He is still grieving the loss of his brother a year ago April 30. He takes comfort in the fact that Shawn is there to meet Cody. Please pray for Cody's parents… Continue

Posted on April 26, 2011 at 9:14pm — 1 Comment

Comfort From Above

This poem may have already been posted here, but I found it and have been helped immensly by it.  I thought I would once again share it.  It is not one that I have written. I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me.





To My Dear Family Some things I'd like to say,

But first of all to let you know That I arrived okay. 

I'm writing this from Heaven Where I dwell with God above, 

Where there's no more tears or…


Posted on April 13, 2011 at 12:20am — 2 Comments

Shopping with Shawn

Hello,  I just got back from spending a week with my daughter and her girls.  Had a good time, but missed being on here. those little girls give her a run for her money. This week she is sick.  She has pancreatitis and is in an enormous amount of pain. She has high blood pressure, and just started medication for that.  Found herself getting dizzy and light headed.  Dr. told her it is because her body is not used to this…


Posted on March 28, 2011 at 9:45pm

When My Mom Died

My Mom was 86 when she passed.  As a child I have had dreams of her being killed and living in fear of it.  I was 5 and we were driving away and I suddenly had a vision of bad men killing her and us finding her when we got back.  It didn't happen, but I had several times of these dreams.  My Mother was a very quiet, timid woman. She had been taken away from her mother along with 4 other siblings because my grandfather was a drunk who stole kids clothes from the clothes lines to sell for liquor.… Continue

Posted on March 14, 2011 at 7:17pm

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At 10:23pm on April 14, 2014, Peggy Jeanine Woody said…
I have not been here for quite awhile. Seems I don't get enough time to be online. On April 22, is my son's 45 th birthday. On April 29, he will be gone home for 4 years. I find myself very aware of the time of year and find myself struggling through this time. It's hard not to go back to the day he was found. I'm grateful he didn't suffer and it's no longer suffering from phantom pain. But I still have a hole the size of Shawn in my heart. I know I well see him again when it's my time, and part of me anxiously awaits that reunion, in God's time.
At 7:38am on May 2, 2011, Tara Deluise said…

I am so sorry for your loss!  I too lost my husband of 35 years.  The pain is indescribable only someone who has lost a loved one can understand your pain!  You feel a hole in your heart, lost and scared!  What is helping me get through my grief is returning to church and believing my loved one is no longer in pain and at peace!  I cry daily but they say it is good to cry that you need to let the tears out.  I am told when I can think of him without crying and remember the love we shared and thoughts of him bring happiness that I am getting better!  I am told there is no way around it, no shortcuts.  Grieving is a process that you must go through.  I also joined the online support group to hear others stories and maybe some help will come through their experiences.  I am also receiving grief counseling from my pastor.  I am trying to stay connected to family members and keep myself busy. Someone had mentioned in church to do something for him  here on earth in his memory.  She said she has started a memorial garden for her mother she has here grandchildren involved in the planting.  So anything you do that helps you get through the day will help, Meditation, reading the bible.  Trusting in the Lord!  That his time is not our time.  Psalm 91 and psalm 121 have helped me. 





At 2:29am on April 18, 2011, John B said…

Thankyou for your Sensitivity towards my Best Friend Rhetty, who has Suffered 41 years too long. Luckily, she has found a few online support groups for Birth Mothers as well as Face to Face Meetings for Birth Parents, Adoptees, and even Adoptee Parents to meet and Share their feelings. Here is Rhetty's Story. She said she has many American Friends online who are Very Kind & Supportive. Please pray for her and Scott and that they will reunite soon, as her knee has been in great pain and she fortunately survived Emergency Cancer Surgery 2 years ago. Thankyou for your Prayers. Peace To You as well. John

At 7:56pm on April 16, 2011, John B said…

I'm So Sorry to hear about the Tragic Loss of Your Son Peggy. My Best Friend's son Scott was Born in 1969 as well, however she doesn't know where he is, as she was forced to give him up for adoption and she recently heard that he's "not interested" in 'communicating' with her through her 'social worker'. May God Heal All of Us and Forgive Others who have "Trespassed Against Us" like my 'Mother, 'brother' and 'sister', whom I'm trying to Learn How to Let Go of 'Expecting' them to 'Apolgize' for their INsensitivities.

At 7:53pm on February 6, 2011, Ammy said…
Thank you for your prayers. Please keep me in remembrance. I need all the grace and mercy I can get right now, and I pray that God will reach His hand over the balconies of Heaven and touch you with His healing power. Believing always that God is faithful when we call upon His name according to His will.
Have a blessed week, my friend.
At 7:44pm on February 6, 2011, Ammy said…
Hi Peggy, I don't know where the days go, but they still pass quickly. Maybe I un-consciously avoid coming here. This is a place I wish I didn't belong to. I just finished reading your comments from the 2nd and there are several things that are similar our lives. I also prayed for years for my son and always extra prayers for him as he was battling his demons. That was why, at first, I was angry with God. I came to rely more and more on Ps 139:16 "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be". I knew there was nothing that could have changed that day. None of the 'what ifs' or 'maybe's' could have changed his day, just as I know that He (Lord) knows all our days. You also said, "He was crusty rough on the outside, but he had a very soft marshmellow heart." Oh how that made me think of Charles, my tough guy. He was tough when he had to be, but so compassionate to anyone in need. Hearing stories from people that knew him telling us about things he had done for others that he never told us. He never gave himself credit for any good he did and he was not a person that cared about material things. Sometimes I feel bad that he had so little because I would like to have something special of his to hold, but on the other hand I'm proud he was that way. We all seem to put too much value on things (possessions) and God tells us not to. So he did good in that area and also in the area of 'as long as you done for one of these, you have done it to me'. He would give his last dollar to someone if he thought they needed it. Such a big heart and yet he was tortured for so long by his illness. When he finally went for help last Feb., we finally thought things were going to turn around for the better for him. At least he had a couple of months of fairly good normalcy. I do thank God for that. I think I would be handling this a little better if he had not had his little girl. She is only 2.
At 4:30pm on February 2, 2011, Ammy said…
Hi Peggy, I'm sorry to hear about your son.  I know how hard it is to lose a son.  We lost our son last July 14th.  I too have had to rely on my faith to get me through this even though in the beginning I was angry with God and just couldn't feel anything for a couple of weeks, but, thankfully, He was patient with me.  I have 2 adult daughters that I love immensely, but I am looking forward to seeing my son again some day.  I actually just hope and pray that Jesus returns soon so we can all be together again.  I hope you are doing okay since you went by Shawn's apt.  I feel your pain and I understand what you are dealing with as I also am still having a hard time accepting that Charles is gone.  I still catch myself thinking he's going to be showing up.  I just can't comprehend the forever part of his not coming back.  Sorry, I'm rambling on.  I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and I will pray for you that God will put His loving arms around you and give you some comfort.  Stay well, Ann
At 8:13am on January 31, 2011, Jordan said…
I have my ticket, too Peggy! I cant wait to see my brother again. . My faith is strong and although it hurts terribly I probably wouldnt wish Lyle back into his life of pain. Its just the "what if's" that are getting to me right now.  He's in Heaven with Paul the apostle. Lyle loved Paul. My dad is there, along with many people Im exited to see again. After Lyle died Heaven took on a whole new light to me. I just feel like I NEED to know what he's doing, that he's happy and ok. Its my job as his sister.  I miss him so much...
At 4:59pm on January 29, 2011, Jordan said…
Lyle was in a lot of pain, yes. We just recieved the official word today, methadone poisoning... He had the best sense of humor and I just know he did the best he could in his last year of life. The pain must have been horrendous. I cant even imagine. But he tried to hard to remain optimistic, even with Workmans Comp pulling the rug out from him every step he took. This whole thing would never have happened if they would have just let him have the surgery he wanted... Im angry today Peggy....
At 11:25am on January 26, 2011, Jordan said…

Dear Peggy,

Im so sorry to hear of the loss of your son. As I was reading I couldnt help but draw similarities between Shawn and my late brother, Lyle. Lyle suffered a broken back a year before he died and it was so tough for him because he just wanted to do the things he could before the accident. His independence was so important for him. I hope you are doing okay today. Im thinking about you and praying for you.



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