i am mad me for bean mad god 

i am so mad at god for stuff he has put us thru  if i sea him or her im worid in i say horble stuff 2 him or her im worid i will puch or slap him or her 

i bleve in god im so mad at god i am i am so mad at him or her

Tags: at, god, mad

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I don't understand, Dennis, why you and some other Christians try to separate "god" and "religion", the bible and religion. Religion is simply a belief in god, and each different religion has somewhat different beliefs. But Christianity is a religion, just as much as any other.

As for that not being "the god of the bible" -- it is the god described in the Old Testament, a Christian and Jewish version of god.


Because Christian religions teach a version of a God that is Not truly representative of the God that inspired the Bible even though they try to use the Bible to prove it. They interpret, they put their own ideas and traditions to it, they are biased because of their religions teachings which invalidate the Bible.

Their God torments people forever....the Bible does NOT teach that.

Their God will destroy the planet earth,,,the Bible does NOT teach that.

Their God is a triune God...three in one...the Bible does not teach that

Their God takes children, loved ones, good people by killing them and taking them to heaven at their "time"....the Bible does NOT teach that.

Their God is the CAUSE of the suffering because he tests us to teach us....the Bible does NOT teach that.

Their God sanctions war and the Bible (and other Holy books) are used to propagate slaughter and death...The Bible does NOT teach that

Etc, etc, etc

People see the God of the Bible the way the Christian churches teach and they get angry, they hate, they conclude that they cannot worship a God like that.

If a person is going to disregard the Bible...and they certainly have that right...if they are going to hate the God of the Bible...they certainly have that right...they should decide to do so based on what the Bible really says and teaches about the God that inspired it.

I know, I know....even my view is relegated to my own ideas and interpretations...and it is true that the Bible can be difficult in some things...but the BASIC teachings of the Bible are CLEAR because it SAYS WHAT IT SAYS....THE WORDS ARE BLACK AND WHITE. No need for interpretation or tadition.

For example...the condition of the dead is CLEARLY stated throughout the Bible...The Bible tells us exactly what happens. IT SAYS WHAT IT SAYS.

As to burning people in hell forever...

Jeremiah 7:31 — They have built the high places of To′pheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hin′nom, in order to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, something that I had not commanded and that had never even come into my heart.’

Jeremiah 32:35 — Furthermore, they built the high places of Ba′al in the Valley of the Son of Hin′nom, in order to make their sons and their daughters pass through the fire to Mo′lech, something that I had not commanded them and that had never come into my heart to do such a detestable thing, causing Judah to sin.’

The God that inspired the Bible found the burning of people something detestable. CLEARL STATED. No need for interpretation. The God of the Bible would NEVER torment people forever and ever.

So, I state the difference between what religion teaches about the Bible and the Bible itself because religion does NOT teach the Bible they teach traditional beliefs of men.

I do not believe there is any such place as "hell".  And if there is, then the god who created it deserves to reside there itself, because no loving parent would ever create such a place nor condemn -- or even allow, no matter what the child did -- it's children to spend even one moment there, much less an eternity.


Of course, I don't believe there is a god at all -- what I've stated above is what I think of hell & god in case there does happen to be a god.

Thank you.  A million thank yous.  

Zell, how did you come to the knowledge of the truth?

John 12:32 speaks deeply to me, but for now I only hope that ALL means what it literally says.

I've felt drawn and rejected within the same hour sometimes.

Sure hope I feel drawn in that last hour.

I kinda thought we were supposed to try to be like our heavenly father in our nature but being raised in the knowledge of men has left a brainwashing that is difficult to shed.

Difficult, but with God's help maybe not impossible?

Maybe with God's help, I will one day forgive Him.

Not really saying that hell can't be real either, just not eternal.

Isaiah 9:7

Thank You .. That was so elequently said AMEN

2 day i feal so tears 2 day xmas on way i feal so sad coz a lot of famly s past id rather hav persons hear thn a gift i do 

teras alwasy on me at wong momnets thy do

im still so mad coz of death

j feal lk its my tears i do

Jo thank you for posting your beautiful pics. The holidays are very hard without our angels. Yes you are so right when you say you would rather have them here than any other gift. Our Angels are still here spiritually with us they see the world through our eyes. Your angels can see the wonderful photos you take they will be proud of you-hugs Marie x

i wish

Jo B, those are some very interesting pictures, I have never seen a city block that looked like that...thanks for sharing....


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