I met a man over the phone by accident five years ago and we immediately hit it off. We lived 1489 miles apart and we never once met in person. We would spend hours each day on the phone laughing and talking in ultimate bliss. He was my very best friend. He was married but not happily. No one in his life knew about me and no one in my life knew about him. I found out that he died on facebook on March 8, 2012. I hadn't heard from him in over a week which was very odd. One night I called him and his "voicemail box was full". I knew something was terribly wrong. It was a strange feeling not being able to get a hold of him. I thought his elderly mother might have died. In fact my feelings were hurt because he would have told me if something tragic had happened. Later that night I decided to go to his facebook page to see if he had put out a message with any information. When I saw 1963 - 2012 after his name I fell to the floor and sobbed like a baby. To this day I have no idea what the cause of his death was. He was only 49 years old.
Tags: Love., Secret, Sudden.