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The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen.
In loving memory of |
If you look for advice on dealing with grief, you will likely find a myriad of ideas—some more helpful than others. Perhaps that is because, as mentioned earlier, everyone grieves differently. What works for one person may not work for someone else.
Even so, there are some basic guidelines that have proved practical for many. They are frequently cited by grief counselors, and they echo timeless principles found in an ancient book of wisdom, the Bible.
even loveds 1s fon i saw a thng on tv set a set it tablee for thm it xmas u can coz thy still hear in spirtt thy is evn put food for thm evn a glass
I often reflect on bible promises of a resurrection - John 5:28 and this gives me feelings of hope and removes the helpless feelings that often try to take over. When it really gets tough I pray, its amazing how god can give you the strength you never knew you had.
When we feel sad about missing our loved one know they are spiritually alive more so than we are. Try to live life how they would want you to. Focus your attention away from a victim identity to one of strength that only God gives. Life is eternal, only the shell perishes, the precious pearl that the soul is continues on shining brightly in absolute freedom. And, we will be together again when it is our time. Hope this give some comfort, it has helped me...
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Wish my mother was here. I know she is in spirit, as life is Eternal. She is now with God. All that there is left to do is remember the wonderful memories we had, and give God thanks for the gift He gave me. Life was Paradise manifested with Mom here. Now, all there is to do is try to honor her by doing what she would want me to do which is to go on. Hope all who are on this boat try to remember the good. I surely so not want Mom to be sad because I am sad. Rather, let's be grateful for some people never have had this love we were granted. God Bless you, and give you strength.
If you start feeling really low specially this holiday season, you might want to go to the Chat screen, and say "Hello. Does anyone want to chat?" There might be someone around whose loss is more recent and is in worse emotional shape. It helps to help.
As we are very sensitive and sentimental when we lose a love one, I humbly suggest the following:
There are circumstances that we can not change, however in those instances when interactions are not mandatory be very careful of the people you communicate with, if you see that is not a harmonious exchange: WITHDRAW. And wish them God's blessings. Your space is sacred and needs to be guarded as inner peace is vital at this time, and always.
This is the time to look deeply into the meaning of things, to be observant of the signs all around us. As the loss of a love one can take us deeper into the spiritual keep a stillness alert.
Ex. My dear mother passed on an 11th, I looked up the spiritual meaning of the number:
Eleven brings the gift of spiritual inheritance, is gifted as the "Light-Bearer". It is the number of the Light within all.
You might want to do a search on line for the day your loved one passed to gain more insight into this experience.
When our love one leave this earthly plane and goes to God we are presented with the most profound of all situations. It is when we need to turn to our spirituality to connect with That which is Divine, with what knows that there are not ends, just like a butterfly we must put our false self aside, and act as divine being, just as our love one. There is only the infinite. Life is Eternal.
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