Why do we have to struggle? If we didn't...then what would be the nature of Faith? We think we know how things will be...then we are given a totally unexpected situation. There is much in life we cannot control...and as much as we want an answer to our 'Why?'...we just need to have faith that there is a reason...even though we cannot understand it...and although we don't have control over certain circumstances in our lives...we do have control over how we respond to those circumstances...and remember that doubt sees the obstacles and faith sees the way...

Faith ~v~ Doubt

Doubt sees the obstacles. 
Faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the darkest night. 
Faith sees the day.
Doubt dreads to take a step. 
Faith soars on high.
Doubt questions "Who believes"?
Faith answers "I". 

~ William (Harvey) Jett

Views: 176

Replies to This Discussion

I so wish I had that faith now. There is just too much loss and sadness, and every day gets worse.

i hav faith on/off gail sinse my dad died i feal a mess i do its bean nealy 2 yrs wish still hrts 2 mush it dose 

i dnt thn i cud lose a lot mre aftr him as well frm famly 2 nboz 2 frinds it wz undstang hw we feal

i no iv bean told get vr it lk my mum wz told sme 

or i bale u for evry thng i got told its my falt it hapend 2 evry 1 frm getng big c or getng termy ill or death u cud say 

silly thng is i feal so gulty wen i got told ths i did i no peple mean well

but sm tms wen thy tell hme truths thy go a bit 2 far thy do

wen i dream abot my dad i wont 2 seep a;;t i do so i can be wi him all t evn my nanna i lots wen i wz a tean cuzen steven o as well i miss him 2 he died yrs befr my dad i no wen wear on a nite ot us 2 cud drink a lot we cud i jus miss evry 1 i lost i feal lk iv bean in a nasty hooro film wear iv lost so mny famly i do

soory if im sayng wong thngs sorry


It does seem to get worse every day Gail...the days seem to get heavier and even merge one into another...and the weeks go by and there seems to be little comfort in anything...as each day confirms that they are gone from us, and nothing will change that in this lifetime.

I do know that doing a little each day goes a long way...and we have to do little things for ourselves too...it is what our loved ones would want...they do not want us suffering and struggling...and although we are submerged in sadness...there will come a day when we will remember the happy times too...and that is way of witnessing and sharing their lives here.

So have F.A.I.T.H...FOR Angels Inspire To Heal...O:)

I am here if you want to share... 

Gail...I think it feels worse as we are grieving...and we have to go through the grieving process...no-one escapes it...if we loved deep then we grieve deep...and some days will be easier than others...but we have to keep going...to keep growing...and then one day you will feel a little better...and I will feel a little better...and our days will get a little better too.

JO...thank you for sharing your valuable thoughts.


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