

daughters who have lost moms. I lost my mom a few weeks ago to Pancreatic Cancer. I would like to talk and also support others.

Members: 8
Latest Activity: Jun 19, 2021

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Comment by dream moon JO B on June 19, 2021 at 2:58pm

miss mom i do still feal so num raw bean 2 mths it is faths day tomro now no mom no dad iv notset evn frindss is avidin me or crossn st had it wen dad died thy stpt spekin 2 me or crossin st now moms gon its hapnin agan 

Comment by dream moon JO B on April 18, 2021 at 5:42am

2 wks sinse mom thn day id gon in a food t wayy to get som food for my slf i saw big piess mom usd 2 get soons i got hom iv had bit of cry for her 

iv bean fitghn it for 2 wks 

Comment by dream moon JO B on April 8, 2021 at 4:19pm

we now sortin funrell songss for mom i wish i cud cry for her but feal so num 

i no it sraw disbelf i no shes not suffin but i lov her so mush l my dad i luv thm bothh so mush i do

Comment by dream moon JO B on April 5, 2021 at 12:31pm

loss my mom ths mornin i did

Comment by Debbie on April 9, 2015 at 7:23pm
Hello. Im hoping this group will help me! I just lost my mom to lung cancer on 3/28 - she was only diagnosed 6 months ago! My mom was my everything - We talked everyday at 8:30am, when I needed advice, call mom....when i wanted to brag about my kids, call mom, when I want anything at all, I would call Mom!! I feel so lost, so sad and so numb. :(
Comment by Jayne on July 14, 2013 at 10:44pm

I am a daughter who lost her beautiful mom to Pancreatic Cancer. If there is anyone who wants to talk and share with me that would be nice. It is so difficult to loose a mom especially if that mom is and will always be your best friend.

Comment by sharon p. adams on May 28, 2013 at 6:47am

help me please,i want to talk to my mom...

Comment by sharon p. adams on May 28, 2013 at 6:46am

just sitting here alone again,wishing  I could talk to my mom,hear her voice,fix her breakfast,BUT ..i miss her so very much  more every minute of every day,nothing seems to help,someone please WAKE me up..SHE CANT BE GONE.............

Comment by Tiffany M Kiser on September 11, 2012 at 9:19pm

Cancer makes me sick! and afraid that one day i may have it.



Members (8)


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Speed Weasel commented on Speed Weasel's blog post A Return to GriefShare and a Crisis of Identity
"GriefShare is a church based support group. They do have meetings online, but the usual format is a group of people experiencing a loss getting together weekly to watch videos (13 weeks total) about grief and loss. After the video, we talk about the…"
18 hours ago
Natasha commented on Speed Weasel's blog post A Return to GriefShare and a Crisis of Identity
"is griefshare a website like this?"
18 hours ago
dream moon JO B updated their profile
Morgan Sangrouber is now a member of Online Grief Support - A Social Community
Oct 10
Addie replied to Kali's discussion It was not supposed to be like this in the group Being the Other Woman/Other Man
"Kali I’m so so sorry you are going through this. Grief is hard enough, but going through it secretly, all the while having to continue showing up for your kids, is just brutal. Perhaps your friend was careful to hide your conversations behind…"
Sep 26
Kali added a discussion to the group Being the Other Woman/Other Man

It was not supposed to be like this

In 2014 I met the most amazing man ever. We were both in our very early 20s and were looking for different things at the time. We ceased communication for roughly 6 months. During which time, he completed basic training and joined the Air Force. By the time we reconnected he was already at his first duty station.. 8 hours away.We decided we wanted to continue our relationship and proceeded to cultivate a deeply emotional connection. Regular calls and video chats, visits while he was home on…See More
Sep 26
Kali joined Cathy Richardson's group

Being the Other Woman/Other Man

This is for anyone who has lost their lover to death and you were the other woman/other man in their life. We have to grieve in silence. I can't find any support groups and feel like I'm the only one going through this situationSee More
Sep 25
Profile IconKali and Bridget Baker joined Online Grief Support - A Social Community
Sep 25

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