Please Help my '$uce$$ful' MuDdLeD kLa$s' TAX Auditor/ AiR CaNaDa Co Pilot of a CaPrIcKorn RaT of a 'brother' Le$$eN his FEAR Ba$eD SeLf cEnTrEd Manipulations, Open his Heart and HELP me Forgive him for being SO COLDLY CONTROLLING
...& JUDGEMENTAL in his AMATEUR 'pSyChIaTrIc' 'aSsEsSmEnTs of our 'Mother' and me, who are 'simply' 'ToO (?) SENSITIVE where Most are COMPLETELY INsensitive and can'T even spell let alone 'think' of 'having' a FEELING let alone 'eXpReSsInG' a GOOD One * O AND PLEASE REMOVE MY 'need' to 'get 'eVeN' by TyPiNg this ouT of my HuRt & ANGER having SEEN Our Father Edward V. Burchat SUFFER A HORRIBLE DEATH from CANCER February 23, 2010 when my 'brother' was on and off his cel phone CONTROLLING EVERYTHING he could as the Money 'MANAGER' of our Father's $40,000 'estate' he's Still TRYING TO TAKE CONTROL and 'convince' our 'Mother' to MOVE iNTo an apartment so he can TAKE OVER the $78,000 house Our Father WORKED HARD at Buildiing over 30 YEARS so he can RENT Mortgage it to his Stay at home 29 year old son, while he 'ArRaNgEs' his 'Marriage' and 'DECIDES' HOW MANY Children his yet UNknown Wife and he WILL he's The Bo$$' of NOTHING, but his own Stay at home AdDiCtEd to SMOKING & PiLL pOpPiNg NeRvE wRaCkEd ANGRY 'wife' he 'lives' 'with' in SEPARATE Bedrooms so he doesn'T have to PAY A PENNY for a 'divorce' he WILL NEVER 'let' her 'have'.