My stepdaughter Jenna passed away suddenly on 12/6/23. She was autistic and living in a group home. She was thriving and had friends and purpose. She has been in my life for 21 years. I could not have loved her more!!! She was my best friend and we talked everyday. We still don’t know what happened. We think it was a sudden cardiac death due to her medications. I just can’t seem to find purpose in my life. Everything I did was for her and I miss her every single second of every single day. It just seems so unreal so in fair. I really done know how to go on without her. Does anyone else feel this way?

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I'm so sorry to hear that - that must have been such a shock and definitely not fair. Yes, I find it's hard to go on without them. The best thing I've come up with is try to live the rest of my life for them - honoring them and their interests and causes. I know that can be little consolation though when in deep grief. I'm available if you ever want to chat or talk about her. Take care - Rose


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