Don't grieve alone; 14,000 members and growing
Our local Hospice just statrted a 10 week grief group. I attended last time, 6 months ago, and by the end of the session wished it would continue. It really helped to be in a room full of people, 10, who had simular losses, and really "GOT" me. Though it was a good experience it wasn't the right time for me, having just lost my husband 2 months earier, it was too soon to really participate fully. BUT, now it's been 8 months since Todd died, my days are more difficult now then they were 6 months ago, but i do know that I'm so much more in touch with my feeling now, and since many of the same people are attending this time around as well, i feel like I've returned to friends. These next 9 sesions of the group I am anticipating will be helpful, really we are learning to let our grief out, talk, talk tell our story again and again, and the group helps me to focus on differant areas of my grief. It's been a hard 8 months, i have wonderful family and friends who have been there for me, i am not alone, though in some ways I am so very alone. I will be alright, i know this now, but the journey sucks. I'm 52, i don't want to spend my senoir years without a partner, our marriage was wonderful really great, and it has left me wanting that again. A TALL order, it's scarey, really scarey to think about starting over, trusting another man...I want to get threre though, hard hard hard, the group has helped me face my grief, and hopefully the group will continue to help me go on into life and my future...Later, when I'm more stable I'd really like to work with Hospice. They made such a difficult time in our lives...easier. A stange word to use maybe, but they did all they could to help and make sure my love was comfortable and alert. So now I'm looking onto life, going to the group for the next 9 weeks and really really going to do whatever I can to feel better...I'm forgetful..leave myself notes all the time, have erasable calendars in the house, one in the bathroom even...they help me get to work and appointments and keep lunch dates with close friends and family, its been a good tool for me. nyways, if you have access to a Hospice grief group check into it, the first time through helped a little, but i know this second time through will be really good for's kind of amazing to be in a room full of people who REALLY understand how you're feeling and what you've been going through. Of course its a but differant for each of us, but we GET each other...that's really good. Call your local Hospice, its a county thing, to check into it,maybe it can help you work through to a quieter more peaceful place...I'm hoping that it helps me get there, plus the friend you make are keepers.
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