what do you do whem you have just an awful day i need some input to try to help myself

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I try to focus on the better days, or on the good parts of bad days, and just keep reminding myself that there may be more good moments ahead--just take in in little steps. Maybe set aside some time to do something you enjoy?
Our old friend grief comes back from time to time. It seems to remind us that we are still broken. It has been 13 years since my daughter's death. I still have some bad days. I don't know that there is any real answer. I know when I was in therapy my doctor told me 'just do what makes you feel good'. I think that is good advice. It is so frickin hard to give up someone you love so very much, if we had a choice, we for sure wouldn't have chose this! After all these years I have learned to remember the good times. I can think of something that happened or was said or we did. . . and laugh through my tears. I wish you peace.
When I have a bad day, I try to make sure I am not alone. Call someone or get out of the house. If an hour seems to long, take it minute by minute. No big steps here, just tiny ones. If you have something that give you joy, there is no better time to do it then when your having a bad day and hugs are great too. Anything to take your mind off of being sad, mad, angry or blue. If all else fails take a nice long walk, spring is here, look at the flowers coming up, the trees budding. Good luck and God Bless
I seem to have almost all bad days - however the worst of the worst, for me I think are when I almost function a day or so, to do that I need to kinda push the real feeling down- (numb up) I know it of course, But- I just don't let myself go there completely. --- then I just need to let myself feel it for a few hours. Yes, complete break down - for me I have to be alone to do this... And although at the time I feel as though I can't breathe - It does seem to be a cycle I tend to have. Hopefully you can do as the others said but, if not maybe you just need to have a total reality release sometimes. I am prob. not a good person to respond to this - But- we & our grief are all deep yet unique - So maybe some understand me.
I have more good days than bad now - the bad ones tend to take me by surprise now. I reach out to family and friends if I can, or to online friends if that is all this is available. But I agree with Karen, sometimes it just becomes too much and I have to just allow myself to let go, and break down and sob and cry and be angry and just let it all out. I usually lock myself in the bathroom and sit in the shower with the water running over me. At some point I will stop crying naturally and then I get out, and I feel better having allowed myself a complete and utter give-in to those emotions and let them wash away.
I had two awful days in my life. First I lost my grandfather when I m 7years old on 07 Aug 1993 and I lost my uncle on same date 07 Aug 2006. These both days were worst days in my life because 07 Aug is my birthday date. I lost my grandfather and uncle on my birthday. I think I m very unlucky.
After both deaths, I didn't celebrate my birthday. I think I m the cause of their death. I miss them very much and I told to God why you pick them on my birthday. Anyone please tell me why it happened with me. Can I really killer of my loved ones?



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